Property management is a vital aspect of real estate profession. To a non-professional estate agent property management entails only vent collection and receiving of fee, but there are other aspects of it which intake the expertise of a professional Estate agent to task. These include selecting the right type of tenant for a particular property arrangement and execution of leases, advising on insurance policy and rating assessment and ensuring that they are settled regularly, defining maintenance obligation of both the land lord and the tenant.
Beside all these, there are so many problem associated with property management which ranges from attitude of the land lord inflation, political and economic factors, particular circumstance of individuals properties etc.
This study will therefore examine these problems and proffer solutions.
Proffer Solution: It is the responsibility of the manger to ensure that the defects are properly repaired. In a situation where the management agent is responsible for maintenance of the property, the agent must be very prudent with maintenance cost, and ensure that client receive good value of their money. If it is multiple occupied properties, the manager will or have to introduce the service charge approach for maintenance work.